Thursday, October 28, 2010

Coming apart at the seams

It's been a while since my last entry. I think almost 10 months. Ouch. I can say that it is certainly not from a lack of things to talk about. Man oh man have some things happened over the past 10 months. I will try and recap via the blog over the next few months.
I felt compelled today, actually I felt compelled the other day but didn't turn the computer on, to post.
I always say that perception is reality. And how we view things, people, circumstances, etc..have to be taken at face value. It's like a pair of pants or a shirt. On the outside everything looks fine. But on the inside, where you can't see, stitches are beginning to fray, seams are beginning to weaken, and holes are beginning to form in the clothes.
We try to keep up the appearance but every morning when we put on our clothes, we see the frayed stitching, seams, and holes. So what do we do? We try and wear them in such a way that no one will see the flaws and holes. We'll even wear a sweater vest or a jacket so no one will see. We're able to keep up the front for a time, but inside we know the holes exist. We know the places that are weakening, and whether we want to admit it or not, it is only a matter of time before the holes are exposed and the seams give way...kind of like when your britches split in the middle of a business convention.
The appearance in the above could be actions, words, etc... The "clothes" could very well represent our heart, our family, our include our relationship with God. And when I say we...I really mean me. Oh the hypocrite I am. I struggle so often. And despite my faith and full knowledge, through my own experiences, of His faithfulness, I find it difficult to completely let go and let press on toward the goal He has set for me...the calling He has given me. I doubt my ability to trust completely and turn the welfare of me and my family solely over to Him. Why? Why can't I. He has always been faithful. He has never let me down. He has never not come through to provide for our needs. He is never late...though He is never early either (to my disappointment).
I sound good on the outside in my encouragement to others and my words of faith. But on the inside I am a complete mess.
Lord, I am spiritually bankrupt and in dire need of your provision, your presence, your voice. As the song says, "If we ever needed you, Lord it's now." I am begging, "If I've ever needed you, Lord it's now."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Action required

Nothing speacial about this post. It's been some time since my last posting. By no means is it that I have not had something to say. I've simply been lazy. It requires effort and an action to keep up with a blog...or with anything. It requires an action on our part. God has really been working in my life...on all three facets - professional, personal, and private. Much of His work has ciome with little or no action required from me. However, there is quite a bit that requires me to do something. I pray daily that God will open and close doors as He sees fit. I pray that prayer with the full understanding that when He opens a door, He expects me to go through it.
How often do we pray for something and then sit back and wait...and wait...and wait. All the time the door was wide open. He was waiting for us to go through. It's like praying day in and day out to win the lottery. Then one day we hear a voice say, "Buy a ticket." I have never had the Holy Spirit literally pick me up by my belt loop and and throw through a door that God has opened. I have to do it myself. The cool thing about going through a God opened door is that we go through with one perspective or expectation and what God had planned is completely different. Of course, we don't realize how cool it is at the time. It takes a while to see it. But when you love the Lord and you put your life in His hands and allow Him to guide your steps, hindsight rocks. Because all those situations and circumstances that you thought were bad or painful or completely wacked, many of them I'm sure were flat out awful, actually brought you to the exact place you needed to the exact time...fully prepared to and equipped to receive the blessing of your life. That rocks!
So, go through the doors that God opens. Regardless of whether it makes sense or not...because most of the time it won't. And many times, what we think we want...or don't not what God wants for us. His plan is perfect and He knows exactly what He is doing. And what He is doing is the best for us...regardless of how many times we throw a look of utter confusion heavenward. Keep it real.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Attack through Exclusion

Maybe I am just having a bad day but I feel the overwhelming urge to landblast a very popular and quite effective web site as a result of my experience with them today. I will do what I can to restrain but, again, I feel compelled to write not so much about the service, or the fact that a posting made today requesting pro bono web design was pulled (the ad was titled "Need help reaching men for Jesus - see link and then when I changed the title but left content it, cannot be found (please see if you can find when actually searching the Jacksonville, FL...oops, the name came out, for listing # 1339576866. If it is found, I will be glad to retract my statements. However, it goes to a larger issue.

There is a thought that has permeated our society for decades: If we remove God from our schools, our businesses, our media, our everything, we can live our lives the way we want to and that little voice in our heads and the pit in our guts will go away. That is like turning the radio up in the car so you won't hear the brakes grinding every time you push the pedal. In our heart of hearts and despite what we will admit, we know what the consequences of ignoring the brake noise are (or the voice in our heads or the gut pain for that matter) but we do it anyway and keep driving and driving and driving until one day when we need the brakes to stop the car in order to keep it from running into a school bus full of kids or off a cliff, the car doesn't stop. Not only does the crash kill everyone in the bus, those in car die as well. Let's take the other scenario - car off a cliff. At least the children in the bus are safe but the family in the car is dead and just as the car plummets to the ground, the souls of those inside the car plummet as well, into eternal separation from God. At what point are we going to step up and step forward and say "Enough is enough."? If we do not acknowledge what is going on and take steps to correct it, we have no one to blame but ourselves for the condition of our families, our communities, our country.

Hey dad, whose responsibility is it to get the brakes fixed? If your answer is, "My wife takes care of the car repairs." is your answer to the question, "Who is responsible for the spiritual well being of your family?" the same? Are you ignoring God, your responsibility as a man, a husband, a father, and putting everything, to include the eternal destination of your family, in someone else's hands? Man, grow up and grow a pair. And for those of you not married or without kids, you are not off the hook. God has called you, as well, to step up.

The time for apathetic, non-involved, emasculated, checked out, head in the sand, not-my-problem, "there's nothing I can do", "my voice doesn't mean anything", "someone might call me weak", "I am afraid to step forward because I might actually have to live like a Christian", men is over. Take a stand. Put on the full armor of God and stand. Stand on the Word. Remember the old hymm,"Standing on the promises of God"? What a great message of hope, reassurance, and reality! He promises never to leave us or forsake us. He promises He will return and take His own home with Him. He also promises judgement for all. He promises eternal separation from Him for those who do not know Him or accept Him into their heart as their Savior. Jesus promises to disown those before the Father who disowned Him before men. Jesus promises to spit out those who are luke-warm. In other words, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, the Lion of Judah, the Lamb of God, the One called Faithful and True whose eyes are blazing fire and dressed in a robe dipped in blood who, when He returns on a white horse to judge and make war, will bring the fury of the wrath of God Almighty with Him, is saying, "Go hard or go home." We might better take notice and heed His charge. My advice, take your Bible with you to the brake repair shop.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Middle Relief

Isn't it a huge boost to the old self confidence when your boss, your coach, someone you respect and admire says, "You are the man for the job" or "I need somebody to take care of this and you are my choice."? Especially when the task you have been given is something you either want to do or feel you is something you have been called to do. I use the latter because what if the one who gave you the nod is God? More on that in a bit.
When I think of 'getting the nod', I immediately think of a relief pitcher. Go figure. More specifically, I think of a middle reliever or a set up guy. For those non-baseball fans, the job of the middle reliever and set up guy, while they are not exactly the same, is essentially to take over for the starting pitcher and shut the opposing team down until the closer is brought in to seal the deal. While I never pitched in the big leagues, or beyond high school for that matter, I have been brought into games as middle relief and asked to, "get us through this inning," or told, "gimme 6 outs. That's all we need." Some of those times were less stressful and important as others. But anytime we are asked to 'take the mound', we are literally on an island (take a look at the pitcher's mound on a baseball field), alone, and totally exposed. We are on the spot and we must deliver or our team loses. It's that simple.
Now, in the case of the '6 outs', if the next 6 batters are players we are familiar with, know their weaknesses or how to get them out, or they are 8 year olds hitting against a 16 year old, we feel pretty confident and have no reservation about 'taking the hill and flinging the pill.' However, when the next 6 batters are completely unfamiliar to us and word on the street is that they are first round draft picks of the Red Sox, Yankees, Rays, Dodgers, Braves, and D'Backs and will be heading straight to the show after our game, that is a completely different scenario and one that will throw a little apprehension into the mix. Let's add to the scenario that everyone we know or have known is in the stands or watching, as the game is being televised nationally and on Armed Forces TV around the globe, and our team's future, to include the well-being of our families, are on the line and dependant on our ability to 'get 6 outs'. Despite the confidence we may have in our ability to throw a baseball, the scenario presented is one that would cause the butterflies to stir in even the most seasoned, experienced, and "faithful" any level. Much less one that is 16 years old.
When we are called by God to 'take the mound' we oftentimes feel like that 16 year old in the last scenario. And despite the confidence we have in ourselves and in our ability, we often feel overwhelmed, apprehensive, probably a bit inadequate, and, quite frankly, scared. And when God calls us, especially into ministry leadership, a great deal is at stake (as in the last scenario) and we are out on the island. The opposing batters want nothing more than to put a pounding on the new guy on the mound, bat through the order a couple of times, and put a monster number of runs on the scoreboard. However, as the old adage goes, God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. And despite the lonely feeling we may have standing alone on the pitcher's mound, we are not alone. As God was with Moses, Joshua, David, Gideon, and so many others whose stories and accounts are told throughout Scripture, He is with all those whom He calls. As He told Joshua, "...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (NIV), He says the same to us today.
So the next time you are in the bullpen warming up and get the nod, take the mound with confidence knowing that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is with you. And despite the line-up of opposing batters to be faced, take heart. He is with you. Besides, who do you think created the wicked 12-6 curve ball? Keep it real.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Answered Prayer

I think we all have had answered prayers some time in our lifetimes. Sometimes God answers them the way we want and sometimes He answers them in a way we don't. Regardless of how we feel about how God answers our prayers, His will is perfect and He will answer them exactly in His time and exactly according to His perfect will. If we will rest in the fact that His will is perfect. And that, "...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Rom 8:28(NIV), while we may not like the answer, we can accept it with the joy He brings our hearts. Tonight was one of the times where His answer to prayers were exactly what we hoped for.
I received a call from my mother who told me my 10 year old nephew and two friends had been playing just a feet away from shore at a beach near Corpus Christie, TX, when apparently the undertow swept them out into the surf. In a flash 3 young boys were missing. We received the call at approximately 2140, two hours after the search had begun. Once we received the call, we immediately tapped into the prayer warrior network we are so blessed to have. And in a matter of minutes, prayers from around the country went heavenward on behalf of my nephew and his friends. At approximately 2240, we received a call that the boys had been found...7 miles down the and sound.
What a praise that was sent heavenward, thanking Him for his goodness. You know, during that hour I felt mixed emotions. We mobilized the prayer network upon receiving the news. We went into lock down and kneel mode. But you know, God is never surprised. He never goes into panic mode. He had those precious little boys in His hands the entire time. They were wholly protected by the Almighty, the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Lion of Judah, Abbah Father. One thing we must realize and rest in is that regardless of the outcome of any situation, those who know Christ as their Savior are completely protected by an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, loving Father. He tells us in His Word that He gives His children eternal life and that no one can snatch them from the Father's hands. How much more blessed assurance do we need?
Thank you, Father, for Your blessings, for Your unconditional love, for our undeserved salvation...and for answered prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Short and sweet...WAIT on Him.

Amazing thing about patience; such a vital necessity of life and in such short supply. I am, of course, speaking of and And you if this applies. So often, I rush to make something happen or jump the gun (for you Track and Field enthusiasts) when I should simply...wait. Psalms 27:14 says "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."(NIV). Why is that so hard? I am posing this non-rhetorical question to myself. Over and over, God reveals to me that He is control and that if I would stay out of the way, things would go more His way and less mine. My way seems to be fraught with busyness and "white noise". I define white noise as a lot of movement but nothing is actually happening. While I rack my brain to figure out why I continue to go in circles and with little forward movement, God is waiting, ever so patiently, to reveal to me that my shoe is nailed to the ground (that would certainly explain the dizzy spells) and that if I would let Him, He will take care of the nail. So simple yet so difficult. What nail is keeping you stuck in circles? Again, I pose this question to myself...and to you if it applies. Keep it real!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I am blessed with a woman of God

My beautiful bride of 11 years and I celebrated our anniversary this weekend. I can't believe that much time has passed. All jokes aside, she deserves a medal for being married to me. I barely put up with me! She is the mother of two incredible young men. She tells everyone her home is filled with boys with the older being the most disruptive and unmanageable. I am so grateful for her. I don't tell her often enough what she means to me. Proverbs 31:10-12 says, " A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." Nothing could be more true of my wife, my friend. She was born 9 months after me. She often tells me God brought her into the world because He knew I would need her. She's absolutely right. As a matter of fact, the guys from Newsong knew it as well when they penned the lyrics to their song "When God made you He must have been thinking about me". Then chorus goes like this:

I wonder what God was thinking
When He created you
I wonder if He knew everything I would need
Because He made all my dreams come true
When God made you
He must have been thinking about me.

How true that is, my love, my best friend. I cannot begin to express what you mean to me. All I can say is that you save me every day. And every day I love you more. Happy Anniversary, Sweetheart. I love you.