Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Answered Prayer

I think we all have had answered prayers some time in our lifetimes. Sometimes God answers them the way we want and sometimes He answers them in a way we don't. Regardless of how we feel about how God answers our prayers, His will is perfect and He will answer them exactly in His time and exactly according to His perfect will. If we will rest in the fact that His will is perfect. And that, "...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose." Rom 8:28(NIV), while we may not like the answer, we can accept it with the joy He brings our hearts. Tonight was one of the times where His answer to prayers were exactly what we hoped for.
I received a call from my mother who told me my 10 year old nephew and two friends had been playing just a feet away from shore at a beach near Corpus Christie, TX, when apparently the undertow swept them out into the surf. In a flash 3 young boys were missing. We received the call at approximately 2140, two hours after the search had begun. Once we received the call, we immediately tapped into the prayer warrior network we are so blessed to have. And in a matter of minutes, prayers from around the country went heavenward on behalf of my nephew and his friends. At approximately 2240, we received a call that the boys had been found...7 miles down the and sound.
What a praise that was sent heavenward, thanking Him for his goodness. You know, during that hour I felt mixed emotions. We mobilized the prayer network upon receiving the news. We went into lock down and kneel mode. But you know, God is never surprised. He never goes into panic mode. He had those precious little boys in His hands the entire time. They were wholly protected by the Almighty, the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Lion of Judah, Abbah Father. One thing we must realize and rest in is that regardless of the outcome of any situation, those who know Christ as their Savior are completely protected by an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, loving Father. He tells us in His Word that He gives His children eternal life and that no one can snatch them from the Father's hands. How much more blessed assurance do we need?
Thank you, Father, for Your blessings, for Your unconditional love, for our undeserved salvation...and for answered prayer. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Short and sweet...WAIT on Him.

Amazing thing about patience; such a vital necessity of life and in such short supply. I am, of course, speaking of and And you if this applies. So often, I rush to make something happen or jump the gun (for you Track and Field enthusiasts) when I should simply...wait. Psalms 27:14 says "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."(NIV). Why is that so hard? I am posing this non-rhetorical question to myself. Over and over, God reveals to me that He is control and that if I would stay out of the way, things would go more His way and less mine. My way seems to be fraught with busyness and "white noise". I define white noise as a lot of movement but nothing is actually happening. While I rack my brain to figure out why I continue to go in circles and with little forward movement, God is waiting, ever so patiently, to reveal to me that my shoe is nailed to the ground (that would certainly explain the dizzy spells) and that if I would let Him, He will take care of the nail. So simple yet so difficult. What nail is keeping you stuck in circles? Again, I pose this question to myself...and to you if it applies. Keep it real!